
What is Pokéminion?It is a minigame created by Gio B'sar, Kahlil Yronhand, and Lex Vanir inspired by Pokémon. Players sign up with their own teams of minions, challenge Gyms, battle other trainers, and participate in league tournaments.


Join our Pokeminion Starter Tournament - This April 2, 2022(Saturday) 8pm GMT+8 will be our fundraising event for the North Star Inn!Put your Pokeminion trainer skills to the test! Entrance fee is 100k Gil per Trainer, with a final prize pool of half of the entrance fees received, once we've met a minimum participant pool of 8 Trainers!ex: 16 players at 100k entrance each is 1.6m total, so 800k final prizeStay posted for further updates!

Tips are always appreciated, let us know if you want it included as prize money or as donation for FC House funds.


  • Each trainer can only have 1 team of 4 minions(you can pick their elements as well)

  • There are no Take backs, once you have signed up there is no changing team makeup once the event has started.

  • You cannot forge the badges, we keep a record of who has which badge

  • Pokeminion Gym Battles will be every Saturday. Two gyms will open each Saturday, and it will cycle around(Earth & Wind>Lightning & Ice>Water & Fire>Earth & Wind).


  1. Each minion 50 max hp

  2. Every battle has alternating turns. Each turn, a trainer gets 1 action point which can be spent on the following actions:

  • Attack(/random 25) 2x if with elemental advantage

  • Swap minion on the field with a non-fainted minion in your team.

  1. In Gym challenges, the first attack goes to the challenger. PvP the first attacker is decided by dice roll

  2. Once a minion has fainted, its trainer can summon in a new one, and becomes the first attacker in the next fight.

  3. once a player has 3 fainted minions they lose the battle.


The elemental weaknesses are as follows.Fire melts Ice
Ice stops Wind
Wind Blows away Fire
Lightning boils Water
Water erodes Earth
Earth grounds Lightning

Credits to Ritz Cloverfield for the photo


We have a Pokeminion battlefield for battling your fellow trainers located at Atomos, Goblet W12P40, Rm 8

If you would like to see your application details, the other trainers, and all of your progress you can check it out here.

Any photos taken of the event please use #Pokeminion #LUGN #Northstarinn, or tag @GioBsarFFXIV on twitter, @lugamenights on Facebook